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UNIT 2 CHARITY WORK IDEAS 2-D sketches Tom runs his own charity with his mum in memory of his brother who was a knife crime victim.  Unit 2 work was set around a brief to design 2-D and 3-D ideas for the Chris Cave Foundation charity. 1.1: Use sources to inspire ideas for craft 1.2 Use sources to inform ideas for craft Art inspiration 1.3 work in sketchbook 1.4 Use materials and techniques to make experimental pieces in 3-D  KNIFE AMNESTY BOX Materials -  cardboard, paper, yellow paint, black sharpie, craft knife, scissors, glue.     1.5 / 1.6 Evidence in PowerPoint  in folder. 1.7 Witness statement and risk assessment evidence in unit 4 work in folder to evidence safe working practices.  UNIT 3 "SELF IDENTITY" ART PROJECT Tom has been asked to produce a piece of craft work that is personal to him.  It is about self-identity and so will expl...

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